Angela Frimpong

DC11: The effects of manipulating nutrient metabolism and nucleotide supplementation on organ pathophysiology
About me

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from the University of Ghana in Legon, Ghana (2011) and Master of Science degree in Molecular Medicine from the Friedrich Schiller Universität in Jena, Germany (2020).

From June to August 2015, I was a Postgraduate Associate at the Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine of Yale University. During this period, I contributed to the development of an assay for mitochondrial genome analysis. In addition, I investigated the effect of antiretroviral therapy on Pol- γ, which is the protein responsible for mitochondrial DNA replication.

Currently, I’m pursuing a second Master’s degree in Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy at the University of Leipzig.

I am particularly interested in drug development, the signalling pathways through which these drugs may act, and the development of mitochondrial therapeutics. In my previous research, I worked on the evaluation of selected Ghanaian medical plants for anti-viral properties and the isolation of the active compounds from these plants.

My ambition is to lead a research group one day, aiming to better understand mitochondrial dysfunction. I believe that the MITGEST network will impart valuable knowledge and skills to me that will help me achieve this goal.

About my project

In this project, we will develop and employ new labelling procedures to characterise the impact of changes in metabolite availability and nucleic acid precursors to organ pathophysiology and the process of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication, using mouse models of mtDNA disorders. For this, we will use advanced imaging techniques, such as PET/MRI.