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I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from the esteemed Università degli Studi di Firenze. During my undergraduate studies, I joined the Neurogenetics laboratory at the Hospital of Careggi in Firenze, gaining valuable experience in molecular biology techniques for neurogenerative disorders.
Inspired by my passion for medical and pharmaceutical biotechnology, I pursued a Master’s course in Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine at the renowned Università degli Studi di Milano. As part of the Erasmus project, I completed a year-long internship at the Laboratory of Genomic Analysis of Tumour Development at the IBBTEC institute, Universidad de Cantabria in Santander, Spain. There, I investigated the role of the chromatin remodelling SWI/SNF complex in lung cancer cell lines using molecular biology techniques, NGS, and bioinformatics.
In 2023, I successfully obtained my Master’s degree. Now, I am thrilled to embark on a PhD journey within the MITGEST project, which will strengthen my international researcher profile. I am determined to contribute to the development of novel therapies for mitochondrial diseases and become an active and successful international researcher.
Join me as I strive to make a significant impact in the scientific community, driving advancements and fostering innovative breakthroughs.
In this project, we will work on optimising the analysis of nascent mtRNA synthesis, processing, and degradation, as well as on the identification and characterisation of the proteins involved in the different steps of mtRNA metabolism. Thanks to technological advances offered by the click chemistry approach and RNAseq technique, we will systematically analyse different processes of nascent mtRNA. We will further combine click chemistry labelled nascent RNA with a mitochondrial-targeted RNA-binding proteome isolation method and mass spectrometry to identify and establish roles for early and late protein partners in mtRNA homeostasis.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
This work is also supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/X02735X/1].